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Nombre: Guille
Ubicación: Argentina

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica!


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14 de octubre de 2005

Back to madness.

Have you ever been hurt?
Have you ever been abandoned?
Have you ever been truly scared?
Have you ever felt you don't belong here?
Have you ever felt like you don't have a home?
Have you ever felt you don't have a chance?

From the moment of birth, we are already dying
Death is the only true salvation
Through death, man is reborn
Like a butterfly is born out of a caterpillar
And after that, man is finally free

Stratovarius - Back to madness


1 Comentarios

Anonymous Anónimo dijo...

"And after that, man is finally free"
la mieeeerda ke bueno ke esta bolooooo!!...
jaja me fascina....
graxs a mi la encontraste ;) jajaj
cheche bue aca toy comentando esta bueno el blog... la verdad ke algo eh leido y hay algunos ke mmmmm jajja tabas fumado?? jajajaj... bue guille te dejo... seguimo' chateando =P... chau!

15/10/05 12:05 p. m.